Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Poker Strategy For Beginners - Texas Hold em Cash Game Tactics (meta-game) - Lesson 1

"Do not raise, if you aren't able to call a semi bluff."

This is a very simple, yet effective tip that could help you save a lot of money. Not only does explain the basis of poker, which is to win as money as you can when your ahead and to loose the least amount of money when your behind.

Let's say your in a Sit & Go tournament and your 40 big blinds deep. You still have a lot of time to double up and cache out. There is no reason to start making bad decisions nor do you need to loose your cool. Let's examine a situation where you're sure you're ahead, but all the other variables, excluding the cards in your hand, amount to you folding rather then paying someone off.

Ok so you have pocket 7's and you call a fairly small pre flop raise. Everyone folds besides you and another player are heads up You're out of position and have half the stack as you're opponent. The flop comes out, and you see a queen, a 3 and a jack. Your staring you popular down, and he bets the amount of the pot after fiddling with his chips for a few seconds.

You have 3 options, fold, call or raise. Calling would be the gamblers decision. You have to over cards on the flop and you definitely behind. You could out put him on ace king, continue on, but them you would be drawing dead. Raising, or 3 betting would put some fear in his heart. Or at least you hope it would.

At this point hope isn't enough. Playing against the odds of poker will get you no where. He could have paired the jack and/or the queen, making a c-bet or be on a draw and you're keeping your fingers cross for another 7. My point is, there are a lot better positions you could be in, much like his. If your were to raise, are you prepared to call a re-raise?

The best thing to do is fold. Why? Because your going to get Tier 1 cards within the next 10 hands. You're also going to feel like a stronger poker player by winning other pots and you remember folding these 7's.

Let's say you flopped trips. Calling or raising would be the wise decision. But if by the turn, the board pairs or you see 3 to a straight. You would might want to reconsider calling a large raise. Folding is your friend.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

About Me

My name is Brendan Carr, or DJ MODE 5, and I'm a Electro House Producer. I'm from Houston, TX, but my brand of music will surely thrive in any market. I've always been told "You can't be what your supposed to be, if you always do what you've done."

I attended Alief Taylor High School where Chip Richter and Michael Hoover were the band directors. For 4 years, they taught me as much as I could learn about drums and other percussion instruments. After graduating, I've never let my passion for music leave me. I've started studying the piano so that my music can be more clear in harmonics for my audience.

After producing Boom Bap records for about a year, I graduated to Electro House. Because it's so inexpensive to use, and creates so much energy, I don't think I'm going back.

I plan to take my Electro Disco music to the clubs around the world to evoke a positive feeling in my sets, like Justice and a lot of my other favorite artist have done.

I recently have been signed to Digital World Records. An avant garde music label, based in New York, who will take my music to the masses. The label plans to regularly release records through iTunes, Amazon and BeatPort and we'll be hitting the road hard, very soon. I hope to see you there!

I'm a talented musician and I don't have quit in me. I appreciate you listening to my album. When your done, tell me if would like to collaborate.


281 685 3143

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ron Artest, David Arquette & Nancy Grace Will Be On The New Dancing With The Stars - Season 13

3 of the most iconic figures of sports and film will be on the new season of Dancing With The Stars. David Arquette played the sherrif in the famous Scream series. I have Scream 4 on DVD, and let me tell you, the killing starts early. There are a lot of plot twist, ans well with the surprise.

Dewey, not David Arquette, was unforgettable in the popular parady movie Scary Movie! I don't remember the movie too well, but I will never forget that vacuum! I was actually underage, and saw the movie at the AMC theatre with a group of friends. I grew up a lot that day.

And Ron Artest, what's not to say about him. There is no shame bone in his body. If he came on stage with his shirt off, and it was just to announce the dancers, imagine what's going to happen during the remander of the season. He clearly has the mind set of a champion, so I'm sure he will make it to the final rounds.

Nancy Grace will also be apart of season 13. When asked how she felt about the show, she replyed, "'s easier to report the news rather than be the news." Aha! The tables are reversed.

I've listed some of the other dancers that I've heard of below (in no particular order):

Ricki Lake
Jr Martinez
Hope Solo
Rob Kardashian

Afrojack & Steve Aoki - No Beef - VS. - Justice DVNO (LA Riots Remix) - VS. - DeadMau5 - Hi Friend! - Please Enjoy The Music

Took me long enough...

Afrojack & Steve Aoki - No Beef - VS. - Justice DVNO (LA Riots Remix) - VS. - DeadMau5 - Hi Friend! - THE DJ MODE5 MASHUP | Online Karaoke

Pokerist Free Chips - Come Take Mine, Or Can You?

I've been playing poker for almost a year now and I have to say, there's nothing like it. It all started when I came home from work one evening, one show lead to another, and I eventually started watching a late night Poker Stars cash game. Although, at this point in my life I had never played poker, I was definely interested in winning a lot of a easy money. I've always stayed away from it, because of the luck and gambling aspect of it. That all changed when one player scolded another by saying ".. It's just math."

I took it as an insult! Especially because he had a heavy British accent, it sounded more "moth" and quite snobby. Later that night I did some Googling, and by the next day I was playing Zynga Poker on my iPhone. After about a day or so, I searched for a different poker app and found Pokerist. It worked a lot better, looked a lot better, and moved a lot faster. They gave me 10k, just like Zynga Poker, and in no time I was at 100,000 in chips.

In about 10 months time, which was like 2 weeks ago, I had strategically earned my way up to 7 million. It became boring because it started to become less about the cards, and more about out smarting the next player. It was getting to easy. But then I saw the Sit & Go tournaments, and from that point on, I've never playe stronger poker. I switched up my style, realized tournament players actually want to win, and started playing like "The Rock". Now I have 17.3 million!

So I challenge you to a game of poker! If you want these free chips, you're going to have to come take them from me. My screen name on Pokerist is DVNO. I'd prefer to play there, that way you can more free chips. If you prefer to play on Facebook Poker or, Zynga Poker, my name is Brendan Carr.

Send me an invite, leave a comment on when and how you want to play below. Maybe we can conduct a class room game one of the networks and teach and practice some strategies. Because after all the poker math, it's all about the meta-game.

I'll be writing a small poker book, in parts, giving to you in random thought form on this blog.
You may or may not know the information or tactics, but it could still help! I hope to hear you soon!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Donate Money to Help the Victims of the Hurricane Irene Path of Destruction - 2011

The Salvation Army has set up a website to help those in dire situations due to Hurricane Irene. Although Irene is only a category 1, the amount of damage could be more devastating as any hurricane of our recent past. The hurricane is moving slower, sitting in place for longer periods of time and its tropical storm winds will still cause millions, maybe billions in damage.

4 people have already died. I don't understand why. I mean, I'm sure you've heard the news. Get out of the way! 75 mph winds and rain is on its way and you could be flying in the air in the middle of the night if you don't pack up and move around. I've heard that some Manhattan residents are avoiding reality and deciding to stay put. As one lady put it, "I'm not going anywhere!" I've read that negative attitudes don't get you anywhere, but in her case, it just might.

This is my general line if reasoning: "When in doubt, please pull out."

Many families will be returning to their home in ruins. Do your part and donate 10 bucks to the families suffering from this catostrophic event! Check it out!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Packers vs. Colts - Colts Win 21 to 13 - Pre Season 2011-2012

"And we are underway!!!" The defending NFL champions, The Greenbay Packers are up against one of the most offensively creative teams in the league today. The Colts starting running back, Joseph Addai, has signed a new 3 year contract and is already tearing up the field with his elusive run game. But the real question is, will Peyton Manning be able to start the season with this neck injury? Is it even true? Could it just be for the media?

The former starting QB for the Titans, Carrie Collins is now in his 14th season and has now be recruited by the Colts. Curtis Painter, is the started QB for the evening, but I'm guessing the coaches will more than likely allow Collins take over for the second half. Although Painter been a reliable and studious member of the team, yet they still bring in Collins. This Manning neck injury could be serious, or is it?

No matter what, they both are up against Aaron Rodgers. I'm not sure how the the Packers will keep him in the game, but what I am sure about is his, impeccable sense of timing and release. His performance last year reminded me of Tom Brady's amazing 16-0 season. Most would say a 16-0 regular season record is better than loosing even just 1 game in a season. Is there something about loosing that makes you persevere?

I'm going to give this one to the Packers! They obviously came with a sense of urgency and you can see it in their body language. Hopefully, Manning will ready for the beginning by the season. Jeff Saturday says he will, I don't think they would make it into the playoffs.